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论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Comparison between the woolly rhino’s forelimbs from Longdan, northwestern China and Tologoi, Transbaikalian region ; Quaternary International 2008
甘肃临夏盆地晚中新世貘类化石(奇蹄目、貘科)一新种 邓 涛, 何 文, 陈善勤; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
中国陆相新近系谢家阶综合研究报告. 见: (2001~2005). 邓 涛, 王伟铭, 岳乐平; 第三届全国地层委员会编. 中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告 2008
中国陆相新近系山旺阶和保德阶综合研究报告. 邓 涛, 王伟铭, 岳乐平; 第三届全国地层委员会编. 中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告 2008
泥河湾盆地上新世生物地层序列与环境 李 强,郑绍华,蔡保全; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
泥河湾盆地马圈沟遗址化石哺乳动物及年代讨论 蔡保全,李 强,郑绍华; 人类学学报 2008
Magnetic stratigraphy of the lower Pliocene Gaotege beds, Inner Mongolia. In: Lucas et al., eds., Neogene Mammals O’connor J M, Prothero D R, Wang X M, Li Q, Qiu Z D; New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 2008
Stable isotopic variations in modern herbivore tooth enamel, plants and water on the Tibetan Plateau: implications for paleoclimate and paleoelevation reconstructions. , 260(3/4): 359-374. Wang Y, Kromhout E, Biasatti D, Zhang C F, Xu Y F, Parker W, Deng T, Qiu Z D; Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2008
Stable isotopes in fossil mammals, fish and shells from Kunlun Pass Basin, Tibetan Plateau: paleo-climatic and paleo-elevation implications. , 270(1/2): 73-85. Wang Y, Wang X M, Xu Y F, Zhang C F, Li Q, Tseng J, Takeuchi G, Deng T; Earth and Planetary Science Letters 2008
A new middle Miocene pliopithecid from Inner Mongolia, China Zhang Zhaoqun, Terry Harrison; Journal of Human Evolution 2008
Late Miocene cricetids from the Bahe Formation, Lantian, Shaanxi Province 张兆群, 刘丽萍,郑绍华; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
安徽淮南晚新生代鬣狗类化石 曾志杰,金昌柱,刘金毅,郑龙亭,孙承凯; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
Machairodus_horribilis头骨材料记述 邱占祥,史勤勤,刘金毅; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
步林在甘肃党河流域塔奔布鲁克地区的早期工作记录 王晓鸣 王伴月 邱占祥; 古脊椎动物学报 2008
Virtual cranial endocast of the oldest giant panda (Ailuropoda microta) reveals great similarity to that of its extant relative DONG W; Naturwissenschaften 2008