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1976年 第14卷 第4期: 259~262

发表日期:2009-05-05李志恒来源:放大 缩小


摘要:In the first known assemblage of mammalian fossils collected in 1973 from the Lower Tertiary Nonshan Formation, Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong, are some mesonychid remains, which are briefly described in this note. Lestes datangensis (sp. nov.) is similar to L. conexus (Yan et Tang, 1976) known from the Wanghudun Formation of Anhui, but the new species is much large in size. ?Pachyaena sp. is comparable in size and character with P. ossifragus from Wasatchian of New Mexico of North American. The material at hand is not sufficient for a dating of the beds, but it may be suggested that the age of Nonshan Formation is Late Palaeocene.

卷期:14卷 04期

