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2000年 第38卷 第3期:192~202

发表日期:2009-01-22李志恒来源:放大 缩小

作者:叶捷 吴文裕 孟津 毕顺东 伍少远

摘要:Stratigraphic sections of 4 Tertiary rock units in the Ulungur River region, northern rim of the Junggur Basin, Xinjiang, are briefly described. These are the Kekemaideng, Halamagai, Suosuoquan and Ulunguhe formations. The contact relationships and biochronology of theses rock units are discussed. The Kekemaideng beds are considered to be a formation of probably equivalent to middle Miocene Tunggur Fm. in age. The fauna from the Halamagai Fm. is correlative to early middle Miocene Tongxin fauna. The lower part of the Suosuoquan Fm. is younger than Tabenbulukian and probably of earliest Miocene. The Ulunguhe Fm. in its current usage is a mixture of sediments with different lithologies and different ages ranging from Cretaceous to Oligocene and should therefore be redefined.


卷期:38卷 03期

